Stay connected with Archers & Dills will soon be retired, so please make note of the following links that will help you stay in touch with the Archers and Dills.

Email the Archers at
Email the Dills at

Or ask Patty, Kyle or Lisa to be your friend on FACEBOOK.
Visit Kyle & Patty's shutterfly web page.

The Isaacs in concert in Macon, MO - June 19

Don't miss THE ISAACS in concert on Friday, June 19 at 7PM in Macon, Missouri at Macon First Baptist Church (302 North Rutherford Street).

Tickets are FREE but REQUIRED to enter. Call 660-385-3714 or reserve tickets online at Doors open at 6PM. Ticketholders must be in their seats by 6:45PM.

More information about the ISAACS.

Everything's different...everything's new!

It's been quite a while since any of us posted...sorry for such a pause! We are 6 months out from our last concert date of August 23, 2008. Not a week goes by that we don't miss a part of Living Sacrifice in our lives. It was not only God's call on our lives for so many years, but part of who we still are and always will be. We are still getting calls to sing and hearing from people, knowing our music is living on. How encouraging to know God is still using our music and I know he'll continue.

Winter has gone by quickly, but here in the's April and we are still COLD!!! A brief run down of what's happening in life: Kyle is a school counselor in Bevier, MO and is coaching HS and MS Track. He's the AWANA TnT Director in Children's Ministry at our home church, Macon First Baptist in Macon, MO. He's called on frequently to speak to our children, youth and otherwise. Patty works as the Communications Director at Macon First Baptist. She assists with the main Worship Band and also leads the Student Worship Band. Lisa is working at Northeast Regional Medical Center in Kirksville in Quality Improvement. Marty teaches and coaches at Schuyler County R-1 School in Lancaster, MO. Cole is in 5th Grade in Kirksville and just finished basketball season in his team, THE HEAT. Marty and Lisa keep the calendar busy following his games.

God is shaping and molding us into what He wants for this season in life. Juggling jobs, schedules, church ministry and activities fills our days now, but we continue to seek what God's call looks like. Waking up with his word on our tongue and his wisdom to face the day is so important. We remain thankful for years of making friends all over the globe. If you are reading this and haven't connected with us through email or facebook, please do. Email Kyle and Patty at ...or Marty & Lisa at . Find us on Facebook... Kyle Ray Dill....Patty S Dill....Lisa Cole Archer. We've loved staying in touch with so many friends through Facebook. God bless all of you who read this and know we think of you often.


In case anyone might be wondering what the Dills and Archers are up to now, we are adjusting to a new lifestyle, job changes, new responsibilities, a major change in schedule and learning what it's like to get involved at school, church and a little bit in our community. Many of you who will go the extra mile to visit this BLOG and see what's up with Living Sacrifice are the ones we miss...our friends who also sing that we've shared many platforms with, friends we've met all over the world, our family who we get to see a little more often now, anyone who is lingering around to see if anything continues with the legacy of Living Sacrifice. One of the first things people ask is, "don't you miss it?" We do. We miss our friends, we miss the music that God inspired us to sing and we miss "being" Living Sacrifice. Being Living Sacrifice meant that 4 people and 4 voices were together A LOT....traveling hours and hours each week, eating together, sleeping under the same roof many nights, sharing thoughts, talking about our daily lives, helping each other along our Christian walk, sharing joys and concerns, praying together, singing together and so much more. The Dills miss the Archers and vica versa. So.....on October 25, we set out on a weekend to St. Louis to just "be together". It was awesome. Lisa was in charge of planning the whole weekend this time. She did was an adventure. Everything with Lisa is an adventure you know. We ate dinner at Bissell Mansion in STL. It is mystery dinner theatre and quite entertaining. As we entered, we were given a "role" and could involve ourselves as much or as little as we wanted. Of course, it was our first time for this experience, so we just observed a lot. The food was good, but the best part was watching everyday people try to act out this mystery! It's was a great experience! We also went up in the Arch and walked around downtown. We lounged around the hotel in the hot tub and swimming pool. It was schedule to keep or rush to get to the church to sing. We loved it.

One more unique thing about this Christmas is each of our households have "Coming Home For Christmas" playing and we're really enjoying listening. Something about not singing those songs 3-4 times each week brings a desire to hear it more often.

We miss you know who you are. If you are reading this and haven't checked in with us for a while, please do. Comment on this post with your email address and I'll send our addresses. God bless you all! From our houses to yours, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

This week....we will get together again for a Christmas bash. It's truly funny that we LOVE our times together now and the years we traveled we "needed" time away from each other.
The Dills and the Archers wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Our new season in life

Many of you have sent cards, emails and even some phone calls saying you're praying for us in our transition! Life is very interesting at times. On Sat., Aug. 23 I remembering waking up knowing it was our LAST CONCERT ever and thinking, "but it doesn't feel or seem any different than any other day!" As the day progressed, we were busy preparing for the night, the night came, we had an amazing time in worship and God allowed us to make it through without too many tears. The moment the night was done...the tears came.. The next day they came in buckets! At different moments that evening I had thoughts of, "I wonder if I will replay this moment in my mind." I have.

For the most part, I've moved on to new responsibilities, new ministry, new schedule, new feeling of being at home, new friends, a new identity, and some of it has been character-building! I am so thankful that the Lord makes us unique from each other. My relationship with my Lord and Savior has taking new shape. I was reminded last night in a prayer circle that I am not worthy of God's love, but I'm forgiven and loved by Him anyway. Daily I fail Him and yet He loves me. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. Yet, I'm beginning to learn so much more about Him.

Yesterday, was Kyle's birthday. I saw him when we woke up and when we went to bed, but not in between. However, today we get to celebrate at home cream, chocolate, I'm making him biscuits and gravy for breakfast. He's sleeping in! Everyday is new and I rejoice that I get to wake up and enjoy it.

Wishing you all well and hoping you'll still visit LSatHome when you get a chance. Email Kyle and Patty at or Marty and Lisa at

We love you all!
Patty Dill